

Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KG
Am Leineufer 51
30419 Hannover

Phone: +49 (0) 511/975-02
Registered office: Hanover
Registered number: HRA 205413 (local court Hanover)
Sales tax identification number: DE 115 647 997

Personally liable partner: Clarios Deutschland Holding GmbH
Registered office: Hannover
Registered number: HRB 200776 (local court Hanover)
Management: Dr. Werner Benade, Bettina Koback, Dr. Christian Rosenkranz

Responsible Editor: Julia Gramse
Phone: +49 (0) 511/975-02

Legal disclaimer

When creating this website, we make every effort to ensure that all the information contained on it is as current, accurate and straightforward as possible. Despite our best efforts, the information and data may nonetheless contain unintentional errors. For this reason, Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA disclaims all liability for any typographical errors, misprints and any erroneous, incomplete or outdated information contained on the company’s website. The information and data provided on the Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA website are subject to change without notice, are non-binding and are provided by Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA without any guarantees or warranties. Insofar as the website contains links to third-party websites, Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA accepts no liability for the information, announcements, material or links to other third-party websites contained on these websites. We explicitly point out that we are not responsible for and do not endorse any linked websites. By using the Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA website, you agree to be solely liable for any personal risk resulting from the use of the website, including all damage to your computer, software or data resulting from viruses or other software which is either transferred or activated through the Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA website or accessing thereof. Under no circumstances will Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA accept liability for any direct, indirect, particular or consequential damages, including loss of profits, resulting from use or misuse of information or from the incomplete nature of information contained on the Clarios Germany GmbH & Co KGaA website.

Intellectual property licences

All rights (e.g. copyrights, trademarks and right of use) relating to website content remain the property of Safa or the respective licence holder. Any reproduction, modification (including disassociation or alteration), redistribution or any other uses of the content are explicitly prohibited, unless express prior authorisation has been granted or permitted. Exceptions include the press page, which is provided exclusively for journalistic purposes, and the content on the download page, which is provided to clients solely for the purposes of marketing Safa products. Retailers are only permitted to use the data available specifically for download (this excludes all other website data) in unaltered form, although Safa reserves the right to withdraw this authorisation at any time. Within this framework, Safa provides text, photos, graphics, audio and video under the terms and conditions of the press and copyright legislation currently in force. Use beyond these terms and conditions is prohibited.